My Google Partner certification required I pass some test each year. I studied for and passed the main search ad test but I am very disappointed that the course material was more about giving Google more control and more money. … Continue reading
Google seems to have found a way to get AdWords advertisers to spend more money quickly. In June 2012 they introduced a game changer that broadens the keyword match for all the keywords in your account. Even though they defined … Continue reading

Did you know that some Google AdWords advertisers pay less per click than others for the same keyword and ad in the same position? Additionally some features such as showing a fifth line in your Google search ad are not … Continue reading

Google campaigns can show ads only on Google, Google plus their search network; and/or on their display network of over a billion web pages. These are ads placed on content websites throughout the internet. It could be next to an … Continue reading

When your website shows in the organic (unpaid) results, the description of your website is often the meta tag description from your home page. This is the same description unless you have updated the page on your website and Google … Continue reading

SEO Search Engine Optimization is the use of on-page and off-page techniques in the effort to show your website higher in the organic (unpaid) search results. When you do a search on Google, the first few results in the shaded … Continue reading

While Christmas shopping, I purchased an item on my daughters list from a major retail chain. I made the purchase online from their website- but it TOOK 3 TRIES! If the purchase had been for me, or if I could … Continue reading
Ads are more effective when shown to an audience of prospects who are more likely to be interested. For example It is a waste of resources to show ads for a one location convenience store in areas 100 miles away. … Continue reading

What is the Google Display Network? You are probably familiar with the ads shown in response to searches on Google. But did you know Google has a network of over a billion web pages where your ads can show? These … Continue reading

Search marketing is especially powerful for connecting your business to people who seek your products and services. Ads shown in response to searches on Google reach the vast majority of internet users. This marketing is especially effective when you have … Continue reading